Monday, February 18, 2013

Braces Broadmeadow: 12 Important Things to Know Before Getting Braces

12 important things to know before getting braces for your teeth 

Orthodontic braces are devices used in dental treatment for aligning teeth. There are different types of orthodontic braces these days, and how to look for certified orthodontist or dentist to treat you.

Here’s a great list from explaining the most important things you should know about getting braces.
  1. There is no age limit for dental braces
  2. Your "bite" is as important as the straightness and aesthetics of your teeth
  3. An Orthodontist has a lot more training than a Dentist
  4. Consultations are usually free. Get as many as you need!
  5. Bracket types are not as important as you think
  6. Cost and treatment times vary
  7. Read your contract!
  8. Stay put, if possible
  9. You will need to take good care of your teeth
  10. Yes, it will hurt for a while
  11. Beware of allergies
  12. You will need to wear retainers afterward
To read the complete article, visit

To find the best orthodontist in Broadmeadow, NSW, visit ABC Orthodontics.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have missing teeth can I wear a brace?
    If yes, I think going to a new dentist near me here at Norfolk village dental. Thanks for sharing this blog and a very valuable information for me.

  3. Gratitude for sharing all these important things to know before getting the braces. I am impressed with all of these details. Well, I too would want to have braces so various things had been revolving into my mind and most of the things have been solved. I have also fixed the appointment with dentist Torrance for further details.
